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    Bewegend: Tom Hiddleston schrieb aus Dankbarkeit für Loki-Rolle in "The Avengers" rührenden Brief an Joss Whedon

    Alle lieben Loki – und dessen Darsteller Tom Hiddleston ist ebenfalls ganz vernarrt in die Figur. Nun wurde eine E-Mail veröffentlicht, in der sich Hiddleston bei Joss Whedon für den Part in "Marvel's The Avengers" bedankte.

    The Walt Disney Company France

    In Amy Pascales Buch "Joss Whedon: The Biography", das am 1. August 2014 auf den US-Markt kommt, wird unter anderem von einer rührenden Anekdote erzählt, die Joss Whedon im Zusammenhang mit seinem Kino-Hit "Marvel's The Avengers" widerfuhr. Schauspieler Tom Hiddleston ("Only Lovers Left Alive") war von seiner Rolle des Bösewichts und Thor-Adoptivbruders Loki so begeistert, dass er eine bewegende E-Mail an Drehbuch-Autor und Regisseur Whedon schrieb. Diese wurde nun von Business Insider im Vorfeld der Buch-Veröffentlichung publiziert.

    Hiddleston betont in dem Schreiben seine Dankbarkeit für die großartige Rolle, die ihm Whedon geradezu auf den Leib geschneidert habe. Loki sei sein "Hans Gruber" – der berühmte, von Alan Rickman dargestellte Fiesling aus "Stirb langsam". Whedon antwortete entzückt auf diese E-Mail, erklärte, dies sei einer dieser Briefe, die man für immer behalten würde. Fans von Loki müssen in der Fortsetzung "Marvel's The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron", die am 30. April 2015 in die Kinos kommt, jedoch leider auf ihren Liebling verzichten. An dieser Stelle könnt ihr euch den zu Herzen gehenden Briefwechsel durchlesen, im Anschluss gibt es dann noch einmal den Trailer zu "The Avengers":


    I am so excited I can hardly speak.

    The first time I read it I grabbed at it like Charlie Bucket snatching for a golden ticket somewhere behind the chocolate in the wrapper of a Wonka Bar. I didn't know where to start. Like a classic actor I jumped in looking for LOKI on every page, jumping back and forth, reading words in no particular order, utterances imprinting themselves like flash-cuts of newspaper headlines in my mind: "real menace"; "field of obeisance"; "discontented, nothing is enough"; "his smile is nothing but a glimpse of his skull"; "Puny god" ...

    ... Thank you for writing me my Hans Gruber. But a Hans Gruber with super-magic powers. As played by James Mason ... It's high operatic villainy alongside detached throwaway tongue-in-cheek; plus the "real menace" and his closely guarded suitcase of pain. It's grand and epic and majestic and poetic and lyrical and wicked and rich and badass and might possibly be the most gloriously fun part I've ever stared down the barrel of playing. It is just so juicy.

    I love how throughout you continue to put Loki on some kind of pedestal of regal magnificence and then consistently tear him down. He gets battered, punched, blasted, side-swiped, roared at, sent tumbling on his back, and every time he gets back up smiling, wickedly, never for a second losing his eloquence, style, wit, self-aggrandisement or grandeur, and you never send him up or deny him his real intelligence.... That he loves to make an entrance; that he has a taste for the grand gesture, the big speech, the spectacle. I might be biased, but I do feel as though you have written me the coolest part.

    ... But really I'm just sending you a transatlantic shout-out and fist-bump, things that traditionally British actors probably don't do. It's epic."

    Joss Whedons Antwort:

    "Tom, this is one of those emails you keep forever. Thanks so much. It's more articulate (and possibly longer) than the script. I couldn't be more pleased at your reaction, but I'll also tell you I'm still working on it ... Thank you again. I'm so glad you're pleased. Absurd fun to ensue.

    Best, (including uncharacteristic fist bump), joss.”

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