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    Die Liebe der Charlotte Gray
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    Anonymer User
    Veröffentlicht am 18. März 2010
    The "harsh-but-fair" official review of this movie fails to address another issue: the peinlich use of English instead of French when Charlotte is in France. Cheese! We hear a modicum of German in this film; why can't we hear French when the action takes place in France?! Let Ms. Blanchett(e) show off her linguistic ability! J'en ai ras le bol of these phony "European accents" in movies. Basta ya! All Anglophones need more exposure to the Continent's languages, anyway.

    We see historic posters in F (note the brilliant protest editing of the propaganda poster trying to tell the French that they haven't been sold out or betrayed); let's hear the language of Moliere, too.

    Furthermore: why does nobody complain that we see two Panzer on the train before it explodes, yet there's no sign of them when the train gesprengt wird. Bedauerlich.

    If you get your only European history from movies, this could do worse. But there really was an opportunity to do more with this film--think "Dark Blue World," which did a brilliant job of mixing English, Czech, and German--and of telling a better story. Get a grip! The images are beautiful, however--no denying that. Too bad that they tripped up by using some 1960s rail cars.

    Zusammenfassung: a hot-to-trot Scot in a plot you got to see--NOT! You'd have to be a sot not to find a lot to jot down that's rot here. And that's today's word from the USA.
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